Friday 30 January 2015

Hollow Oak Pattern

This pattern requires 15sts

This is arranged as a panel pattern, but it could easily be adapted to repeat across the fabric. How-To Video

Row 1 (WS) K5, P5, K5
Row 2 P5, K2, Make Bobble, K2, P5
Row 3 K5, P5, K5
Row 4 P5, Make Bobble, K3, Make Bobble, P5
Row 5 K5, P5, K5
Row 6 P5, K2, Make Bobble, K2, P5
Row 7 K5, P5, K5
Row 8 P4, Tw3B, P1, Tw3F, P4
Row 9 K4, P2, K1, P1, K1, P2, K4
Row 10 P3, Tw3B, K1, P1, K1, Tw3F, P3
Row 11 K3, P3, K1, P1, K1, P3, K3
Row 12 P2, Tw3B, (P1, K1) twice, P1, Tw3F, P2
Row 13 K2, P2, (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, P2, K2
Row 14 P2, K3, (P1, K1) twice, P1, K3, P2
Row 15 K2, P2, (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, P2, K2
Row 16 P2, Tw3F, (P1, K1) twice, P1, Tw3B, P2
Row 17 K3, P3, K1, P1, K1, P3, K3
Row 18 P3, Tw3F, K1, P1, K1, Tw3B, P3
Row 19 K4, P2, K1, P1, K1, P2, K4
Row 20 P4, Tw3F, P1, Tw3B, P4

Repeat rows 1 to 20 to extend the pattern.

To make a bobble

You only need one stitch to make a bobble.

Row 1 K1, P1, K1, P1 all in one stitch, turn
Row 2 K4, Turn
Row 3 P4, Turn
Row 4 K4, Turn
Row 5 P4. Slip the 2nd, 3rd and 4th stitch together over the 1st stitch.

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